"kakas":"zymith":Well tat would be an adult, I'm not quite into such fair fight. A mistress riding on a shota is my thing, tat overwhelming power~~~
But I'll think about tat, maybe a boy possessed by some a demon or angel?
I am pretty sure that you wrote a chapter describing how an Angel was drained by her. That is not novel. It may be too easy for her to hunt. Easy prey is not dramatic in stories. E.g. It is boring to visit a commonplace park but it can be very exciting to climb a hard-reaching mountain, like Everest. This is my point.
"GP___02":首先感谢百忙之中更新的这一章,但是诚如所言,这章给我的感觉,各种描写实在是有些碎片... ...恩,其实实话说,我中文水平一般……所以早期会有很多语序诡异的地方。主要是没有合自己口味的文章,才自己动笔,借鉴别人的地方很多,H的风格主要取决于最近看的什么比较多。